Additional usage issues for MS-DOS [TM] 5.0 users: The various backup procedures referenced within this program recommend that, as you rotate back and forth between backup masters, you reformat the current disk used for backup. In versions of DOS prior to MS-DOS [TM] 5.0, a 'FORMAT A:' command would reformat every byte on the floppy disk, thereby providing a magnetically fresh surface for your current backup master. MS-DOS [TM] 5.0, however, performs a 'safe format'. While overwriting the root directory area and the File Allocation Table (FAT), MS-DOS [TM] 5.0 does not write over the data area. The format command in version of DOS prior to MS-DOS [TM] 5.0 will overwrite the root directory area, the FAT, and all of the data areas on the disk. The intent of the 'safe format' is to give you the option of using the 'UNFORMAT' command of MS-DOS [TM] 5.0, should you accidentally format a disk. Though laudable in intent, the 'safe format' feature of MS-DOS [TM] 5.0 is disastrous when used on backup masters. The physical media on your floppies is an excellent medium for backing up your data files, as long as you perform a true format against those floppies. On average, about 80% of the read/write problems my customers have is magnetic, not physical. Once reformatted, the magnetic oxide particles on the backup floppies are realigned and are as good as new. To perform an Unconditional format in MS-DOS [TM] 5.0, you enter this command: FORMAT A: /U To perform a Safe format(the default in MS-DOS [TM] 5.0), you enter: FORMAT A: For a Quick format, you would enter: FORMAT A: /Q Restated, the Safe Format and the Quick Format options in MS-DOS [TM] 5.0 do not perform an actual disk format. They only mark the disk space as available for file storage. When used for backup masters for your data, please use the Unconditional format method. Additional format issues for DR DOS [TM] 6.0 users: The preceding discussion applies to DR DOS [TM] also. Though it does not have a Quick option, it too provides 2 levels of format to allow for the use of their UNFORMAT. To perform an Unconditional format in DR DOS [TM] 6.0, you would enter this command: FORMAT A: /U MS-DOS [TM] is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. DR DOS [TM] is a registered trademark of Digital Research, Inc.